WADEintoACTIVISM is a Virtual Event Series made up of performances, conversations, and interviews by artists and activists, centered around gender-based violence, reproductive rights, trafficking, toxic masculinity, erasure, identity, and power. This event takes on global and multifarious perspectives, our participants’ voices hailing from Argentina, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Tobago, Trinidad, and U.S.A. 

WADE is joining the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign organized by the UN. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign invites us in galvanizing actions around the world to take a stand against sexual violence in all contexts and spark a global conversation about what it will take to prevent and end rape. 

16 days of activism against gender-based violence through art and conversation

WADEintoACTIVISM is a fully digital event produced through Facebook & YouTube Premiere

We look at the experience of violence through the eyes of women artists: violence as sexual abuse, emotional manipulation, reproductive rights, under-age prostitution and trafficking, erasure and intersectionality between identity and power. Each woman speaks her truth, unapologetically through her medium; dance, film, poetry or hybrid forms.

We condemn the violence and systemic oppression of all femme-identifying individuals; violence born out of patriarchy, which is taught generation after generation and reinforced by family, community, and cultural silence in regards to different levels of gender based violence. For this reason we are including men in our conversations. Our inclusive approach means to present different definitions of masculinity, investigate our masculinity ad femininity are constructed, and understand the deep rooted, learned cultural behaviors that lead to violence against women.


BIDE B>EXPO Sessions