Women-identifying Choreographers Call
WADE’s Full ON Subject is a multi year multi disciplinary multi generational project exploring feminist narratives totally removed from the patriarchal male gaze.
Full ON Subject Residency
Full ON Subject is a multi year multi disciplinary multi generational project exploring feminist narratives totally removed from the patriarchal male gaze. A program that provides New York City-based dance artists with a studio, financial support, to develop and perform a new work exploring the prompt below.
Looking for two women-identifying choreographers.
When women are allowed to be full on subjects, without the structures and narratives that shackles them to limited objectified existence, what does our world look like? How would those in charge approach homelessness, generational poverty, gun control, and educational disparities? Would our relationship to Mother Earth change? Would oppressive religious mandates disappear? Would reparation for genocide and forced labor happen?
When women are given the space to interrogate our own internalized misogyny, racism, classism, ableism, homophobia, what kind of storytelling emerges?
When women are in charge, would men finally be free?
RESIDENCY SCHEDULING (up to 70 hours of rehearsals):
You must be able to participate in the following:
Three day retreat at the Peaceble Barn | May 2-4
Rehearsal process in East Village, NYC:
May 31st-August 23rd either Saturday or Sunday rehearsals at 10:00am-2:00pm;
September 6th- October 18th either Saturday or Sunday rehearsals at 10:00am-2:00pm;
Performances (locations and times to be confirmed):
Studio Open rehearsal on August 24th
Theater production on October 19th
If you know you are not able to participate in the program during this period or you feel that the resources are not applicable to your project or working process, please do not apply for this round.
A stipend of $1500 will be paid to the artists as follows:
$900 on or before 08/25/25
$600 on or before 10/20/25
Artists will also receive professional photos and videos for their portfolio.
“New York City-based”: as having primary residence in one of the five boroughs of New York City.
“Dance artists”: artists making work that centers the body as fundamental to their creative process; where their work is advanced by dance studio-based rehearsals and processes.
Thank you for your interest in Full ON Subject. We encourage you to review the guidelines above and to familiarize yourself with the application timeline below before beginning your proposal. WADE staff will also host two free information sessions about the program and the application process on February 13 and March 9 via Zoom.
Monday, January 20 Application Opens
Thursday, February 13 Info Session #1, 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST, on Zoom
Sunday, March 9 Info Session #2, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST, on Zoom
Monday, March 24, 10:00 am EST Deadline for Applications
Monday, April 7 Artists Notified
April 2025 Residency Scheduling with Selected Artists
May 2025 – October 2025 Residency Period
Resident Artists must be women-identifying and meet with the WADE producing team and sign a contract committing to make full use of the allocated time and resources.
Full ON Subject 2025 is possible in part thanks to the NYU Dean’s Faculty 2025 Research Grant.
Please reach out to info@wadedance.org with any questions!
Full ON Subject Info Sessions
Please joins us for a free information sessions about the program and the application process on February 13 and March 9 via Zoom.